Thursday, February 24, 2011

Fencing posts

We need to put in fencing posts down the driveway to hold the panel fencing. The problem is that the ground falls away towards the entrance to the pool, so we have decided to put in large diametre plastic piping to hold the post supports - we managed to borrow a large machine for drilling holes to place the plastic pipes vertically.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Another back breaking task!

The patio stones are beautiful, but they stain and mark very easily - this weekend I've been applying a sealant to protect them - this is a very expensive, but necessary product - it has cost me 550 euros for 25 litres, so I hope it works!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Pool cover finished

The pool cover is now finished. When I first started to think about a cover for the pool, I thought that I would buy a telescopic cover that opened up by pushing back ever decreasing sizes of roof and walls so that there was an open-air pool to finish. This was probably the most important decision of the whole swimming pool project, because (believe it or not) the cover costs more than the pool itself.

However, when I started to look at these covers there were two options :

on little wheels - which meant that it wasn't fixed to the ground and could fly away if there was a strong wind, which means that you have to bolt it down to the patio if there is a risk of wind. Well, the weather forecasts in France are about as good as in the UK - so I didn't want to risk that!

on rails - this seemed like a good idea at first, the rails are discreet - however, each section of the cover is a different size and for the length of cover that I needed (13 metres) I would need 8 sections, which meant 8 rails side-by-side across the patio - not pretty ...

The cover that I have opted for has a permanent roof, but the sides open with two windows in each section, this means that you can open one side, or the other, or both - or maybe just two sections if there is a prevailing wind, the closed side can act as a windbreak. Also you can just open a small section at the bottom allowing ventilation.

The ventilation is important - if it is a miserable day, you would keep the cover closed, but the fumes from the chlorified water are quite strong, so it is good to have a through current of air - this is not at all possible with telescopic covers.

The other advantage of the cover that I have, is that the roof is UV treated, so people who want to get a suntan can go and sunbath on the patio, but little ones in the pool are fully protected by the roof - an added advantage for me, because suncreams are a pool maintainers nightmare!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Pool cover arrives

Today was very exciting - up until now we've been very much on our own for the construction - but today they delivered the pool cover and tomorrow someone is coming to put it up - they should be finished on Friday. Next Monday a team arrives to fit the liner and connect up the pump and heating - all should be operational at the end of next week !!!!

Pool house finished

The roof is on and I've just finished laying the floorboards - all that's left to do is paint it - this is a job that I'm going to give to my parents when they come on holiday in two weeks time! Thanks Mum and Dad x

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Pool House construction

The Pool house construction started today - went up really quickly - just the roof to go on tomorrow. One side of the house will be a changing room (the larger side) and the other side will be the pump/filter/chemical area.